It’s time to shine!

It’s time to shine!

There’s never been a better time to spruce up your vehicle by cleaning and protecting the alloy wheels and tyres. Cleaning the wheels and tyres during the car wash enhances the appearance of the vehicle. A car with shiny alloys and tyres gives it that striking...
How to save fuel – 10 top tips

How to save fuel – 10 top tips

With petrol and diesel prices at record highs we thought its about time we shared some of the ways in which you can save fuel and of course save some money. This time last year (around April 2021) the UK average unleaded petrol price was 126.3p per litre and diesel...
Cooling contamination? Use Wynn’s Radiator Flush 325ml

Cooling contamination? Use Wynn’s Radiator Flush 325ml

Ok, so let’s not get into why you had a contamination issue in the cooling system just yet. The cause might have been one of those ongoing problems for quite some time and at a guess could very well have turned out a costly repair. Is it worth adding a...
Reduce virus spreading in a vehicle

Reduce virus spreading in a vehicle

How to reduce virus spreading in a vehicle? For all air-conditioning systems and the interior of vehicles use Wynn's interior cleaner range to reduce virus spreading in your car.There are a number of ways to reduce virus spreading in a vehicle, keeping your interior...