Wynn’s Dry Fuel Petrol and Diesel 325ml


Wynn’s Dry Fuel Petrol and Diesel 325ml helps remove water contamination in the fuel system.

7 in stock


Water inside the fuel system or inside the fuel tank can lead to rusting. You may experience trouble acceleration or hesitation which can be a sign of water inside the fuel system. Draining the entire fuel system would be the ideal solution but providing there is less water than fuel the application of Wynn’s Dry Fuel will remove water build up inside the fuel system.

  • Absorbs water from the fuel tank
  • Cleans fuel injectors
  • Protects against rust and corrosion
  • Prevents carburettor and fuel filter icing
  • Provides a better cold start performance
  • Improves fuel economy.Restores lost power
  • Can be used and is 100% active in biofuels, pure (B100) or diluted in diesel fuel (B02, B05, B30, …)
  • Does not harm turbochargers and catalytic converters


  • Add entire contents of one bottle of 325 ml to the petrol or diesel fuel tank
  • For best results, use every six months
  • Bottle also suitable for capless diesel fuel fillers

How will I know if water is inside the fuel tank

Loss of performance is sometimes a good indicator. When accelerating a motor vehicle may struggle to increase speed or hesitates. Water is made up of a different density compared to a petrol or diesel fuel and as a result engines will only operate and function with a specific fuel type.

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How does water get into my fuel tank and how can Wynn’s Dry Fuel Petrol & Diesel 325ml help remove water particles

Water can sometimes enter your fuel tank either due to weather conditions or whilst filling up at the pump. When applying Wynn’s Dry Fuel Petrol & Diesel 325ml the solution emulsifies the water particles which are then burnt off removing any water.

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