What does Wynn’s Super Charge 330ml do?
Wynn’s Super Charge 330ml helps to protect against corrosion, rust and wear but also stops excessive oil consumption and performance in worn engines.
- Maintains oil pressure at high temperatures
- Improves compression and performance in worn engines
- Stops excessive oil consumption and exhaust smoke
- Quietens noisy engines
- Reduces friction and wear
- Prolongs engine life
- Improves the viscosity index of lubricating oils
- Strengthens the oil film at high temperatures and in case of heavy load
- Ensures a solid lubricating film, also on older engines
- Prevents metal-to-metal contact under high load
- Protects against corrosion, oxidation, rust and wear
- Is compatible with all mineral and synthetic, single and multigrade oils
- Does not harm catalytic converters and turbochargers