What are oil system additives and how can it help?

November 11, 2022
Engine AdditivesContact

Oil system additives can either be applied to a base oil at manufacture or applied as a aftermarket oil supplement. Wynn’s oil additive’s cover a wide range of solutions to help, for example, stop a leak, protect a ‘start / stop’ engine or help a diesel engine run smoother and cleaner.

Motor oils bought off the shelf can contain around 15% to 30% oil additives so you might be wondering why do I need to purchase oil system additives separately?

How does it work?

Oil system additives are a chemical compound added to oil and without them oil would not be able to carry out essentials functions around the engine.

Oil over time will naturally degrade and those additives introduced at manufacture may be lost or have less effectiveness through oil settling, absorption onto metals or water surfaces or filtering.

Contamination builds-up in an engine between service intervals, in the vehicle oil and fuel system which affects performance

Contamination is created as a result of biofuels (E10 and B7), incorrect oil top-ups, urban driving styles and stop/start engines, to name a few. Cleaning the oil and fuel system during a service, provides the ultimate cleaning solution to restore the efficiency and performance of a vehicle.

  1. Dissolves varnish, deposits and sludge in all parts of the oil circulation system
  2. Protects turbos by cleaning oil lines and obstructions
  3. Frees sticking piston rings and hydraulic valve lifters
  4. Contains EP additives for additional protection against wear during the treatment
  5. Compatible with all minerals and synthetic engine oils
  6. Prevents contamination of new engine oil from residues left behind
  7. Keeps dissolved impurities in suspension and prevents their agglomeration
  8. Maximises the life of the new engine oil
  9. Compatible with regular and low saps oil
  10. Safe for all engine components

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